Monday, June 14, 2010

Upload Photos to Facebook from Picasa

I imagine you are reading this because you use Picasa, if you do not already use it see the 5 Reasons You Should Be Using Picasa by Itezer. 

I stumbled upon an article on that shows how to upload photos to Facebook via Picasa.  I found it pretty interesting and very useful so I thought I would share it.

What you need:

  • Picasa
  • 3rd Party Facebook Plug-in
  • Facebook Account
  • Ability to follow directions

Note: If you are using the Mac version of Picasa make sure you are using the full version available, please be sure that you're using the full desktop version of Picasa, available here. There is also a Picasa-branded Mac program which just uploads photos to Picasa Web Albums, but it is not the full desktop client and does not support plugins.  I have split it up into a few easy steps with visuals.

Visit Click Install Now - If the button is grayed out scroll down to the alternative option.

 Picasa Uploader Homepage








It will prompt you with a Launch Application window. Choose Picasa and click OK, although it should already be selected.

Picasa FB Button Launch Application A confirmation window will pop up just to ensure your permission.

Picasa FB Button Confirm






Click Yes, Picasa will open and the Configure Buttons box will pop up.Picasa FB Button Configure Buttons2

Select the Upload to Facebook button, click Add, then OK.  And you are finished!

Picasa FB Button

Now, there is an alternative way. 

For some reason when I visited the Facebook Uploader Homepage.  I was told that Picasa wasn’t detected on my computer. Not sure why, but here is what I did to install it. Picasa FB Uploader Error

Note: Only try this method if the other will not work, it just takes a little more time.  Both get the same end result however.  First I checked to make sure that I did indeed have the most current version of Picasa.  You can do this by selecting Help and Check for Updates in Picasa.  After I proved I had the most recent version, I went to More Information but you can just view the excerpt below.   

This is a excerpt from the text to provide you with what you need to know:

How do I install the plugin manually?

Just download this file (right click and save link as) to the "buttons" subdirectory of your Picasa installation (usually C:\Program Files\Google\Picasa3\buttons on Windows). Then, restart Picasa and the button should show up.
If it does not, you may need to go to Tools and Configure Buttons and move the button to the right column so that it shows up.

This worked for me fine!  If there is another problem you run into please let me know, but the the FAQ should answer all your inquiries.

So let’s see how this baby works!  I have been wanting to upload some pictures of my internship at the Lincoln Zoo so I will do so via Facebook Picasa Uploader.

Picasa should already be opened so go ahead and select the pictures you would like to upload to Facebook. Note: As I found, you cannot upload more than 70 pictures at a time.  Little did I know that I had 81 pictures from the zoo already!  When you have your pictures selected, click the Facebook button and a window will pop up prompting you to start the uploading process.

Step 2 - Start UploadAlso, make sure you are already signed in to Facebook and you allow Picasa access to your account.  Click Start Upload.  Once it is done preparing the photos and posting them, it will display the Upload Options in your web browser.  Chose whether you want to post them in an existing Facebook album or a new one.  Click Sent to Facebook and it will begin uploading the pictures. 

 Step 3 - Choose an album


When uploaded completely, Click Go to album on Facebook.

Once there, you will be able to select which pictures go in which folders.  I have already made my folder and all the pictures I uploaded go in the same folder so I just selected Select All.  

After you have the preferred pictures selected, click Approve Selected Photos.

Step 3 - Approve Photos










And that is it! Good luck and enjoy. Feel free to ask me any questions. I did run into a couple snags through this process, but it was not much that I had to get through.  But if you come across a problem or something feel free to ask me.  If you have a more efficient way of uploading pictures to Facebook and other social networking sites, I would like to know too!

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